Work Package 5: Sharing results and promotion

Leading Partner: MAG – Uninettuno

Dissemination activities will be extensive and continuous during the project duration as well as upon the PIPE project’s completion.

A detailed dissemination plan by MAG – Uninettuno in cooperation with other partners will be set up at the beginning of the project work, summarizing the key strategies and defining the target audiences.

Continuous monitoring of the dissemination activities will ensure the implementation of this plan and it will serve as a means to make sure that all partners equally contribute to the dissemination of the project results.

The main results will be the dissemination strategy, promotional materials, gathered feedback, compiled reports. We will disseminate the outputs and the results of the project, spread the word about the developed materials (concept, report, on-line training) and also keep them updated on the project progress via the multiplier events, presentations at conferences and other events, flyers, project webpage and social media.