PIPE (Programme of Inclusion for Migrant People at risk of social exclusion) is a multifaceted initiative designed to foster integration and empowerment among migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers within European societies. At its core, PIPE endeavors to bridge cultural divides and promote intercultural understanding by nurturing diversity and inclusion. Through a comprehensive approach, PIPE leverages a mentoring program, an array of toolbox resources, and modules focusing on essential soft skills. Notably, the project introduces innovative tools tailored for smartphone use, ensuring accessibility and convenience for migrant populations. By implementing rigorous training activities and embracing innovative strategies, PIPE strives to empower individuals and communities alike, fostering a more inclusive and cohesive European society.

Project sheet

Project name: Programme of Inclusion for Migrant People at risk of social exclusion
Project acronym: PIPE
Project number: 2023-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000160578
Granting authority: SEPIE – Spanish National Agency
Project duration: 36 months

Who the project is for:

The project targets multiple stakeholders, including immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, with a primary focus on supporting their integration into the receiving country through upskilling and empowerment via education. Additionally, it aims to engage public bodies, NGOs, volunteers, local communities, and broader society to raise awareness and foster mutual intercultural understanding. Educators and educational institutions catering to migrant populations are also integral beneficiaries, as the project seeks to enhance their capacity to support teaching and learning for migrants while providing diversity training. Furthermore, the project aims to collaborate with other projects and organizations to facilitate synergies and exchange knowledge and experiences, thereby amplifying its impact and effectiveness in promoting inclusion and diversity.

The story behind it:

The partnership for the PIPE project was formed through a combination of shared interests, expertise, and previous collaborations. The lead partner, EVM, identified the need for the project while managing a local project (INTEGRA/DIVERARTE).  While the local project has shown considerable progress, gaps were identified through evaluations with beneficiary migrants, collaborating teachers, and student participants. The evaluations revealed a lack of professional training for migrants, discontinuity in language courses, a lack of knowledge of available resources, and the need to streamline the bureaucracy.

After gaining this first-hand research, EVM found other countries facing the same issues, and teamed up with them to provide a direct solution, by devising the PIPE project:

  • Offer more help, service and training to migrants, as well as accreditation through Europass or Microcredentials
  • Work together with partners across Europe to solve the greatest immigration issues of the century
  • Enable migrants to use their skills to contribute to the receiving society and acclimate to the culture
  • Help make the arrival of migrants less traumatic for the migrants and the receiving society to promote harmony and inclusion
  • Raise awareness in schools and societies to diminish fear and hatred.